A serie of illustration about 1930. Few uploads comming soon. You will find KING KONG, JULES VERNES, Doctor CALIGARI, Nosferatu, Portraits of Bad guys, freaks and more...Let's go back in Time ...
( 29,7 x 42 cm )
Hard days for KING KONG, after his first meeting with the beauty in the jungle, he went to "The big Apple". In a alternative story, he's not dead and living in a luxuous appartment in Greenwish village. But he can't find a job, segregation is hard to live. He starts to be nostalgic of what he left behind. The green forest is calling him ... but the beauty seems more focused on her haircut, clothing and shopping ...
EUGENE, The "Tattoo MAN"
( 29,7 x 42 cm )
From his original name " Eugene  GBAZADI KASANGA " . Born in 1905, in the KATANGA state of Congo, " Eugene " got a very intense and hard story. His parents were beat to death , while they were working in a rubber plantation , by Belgians colons during the reign of LEOPOLD II ( 1865 - 1908 ), King of Belgium. As a orphan, he was sold to Egyptian slave masters and was brought to the SINAI desert. He tried to espace from the slave camp 5 times, and as a punishment, his master burnt his face. We can easily imagine why he's wearing a mask. In 1920, finaly, he fled his camp and was helped by an americain captain. From "Le caire" to " New-Orleans ", Eugene learned how to survive as gunrunner. It was during his period he decided to write his own story on his skin. " Mort à LEOPOLD II " ( " Death to LEOPOLD II " ), " Inch Allah " ( " God willing " ), " Voyou avant tout " ( " Badguy before everything " ) or " La mort avant le desonnheur " ( " Death before deshonnor " ) are strong sentences tattoed on his body. Symbols of his past life. We are in 1932, and as a young criminal, Eugene is the most feared and respected man in the BAYOU ...
Officialy, Jules Vernes died at the age of 73 years old in Amiens, France. In fact, he organised in own death, tired of writing, the world, his family. He decided to flee away from all human being in a secret place, near the italian frontier. During this period, he met in a freak show, Alessandro and Roberto Salieri, known as " The abduction twins ", two dwarfs who were suffering in silence in an itinerant circus. After buying their liberty, he discovered the great mechanic skills and the passion for science of these two mysterious brothers. Allesandro lost his two legs in a terrible accident, but his great creativity and two strongs arms were here to replace it. Roberto was a brilliant engineer and a great philosopher. During 10 years, Jules and his two adoptive sons, worked harded on a supersonic car called " VAPORIUM ", an imaginative machine pushed by the strength of vapour and water. This machine was unfinished at the real death of Mr. Vernes, the 19 December of 1915. Nobody knows what happened to the twins. 


Back to 1930, research for a publisher portfolio .
